About Me

Hi, I'm Honey

Join me on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth to become an enlightened woman, and help humanity heal.

Let me share my journey-I am a 7th child (5th girl child) from a lower-middle-class family in a small town of Mumbai. I got infected with polio at the tender age of 6 months, and being physically handicapped, mocked, or teased on roads was a daily struggle for me. I developed a very low self-image about myself, and life was challenging. But my quest for answers about life, karma, and God led me to read spiritual texts and laws of Universe.

My journey was not easy; I got married at a tender age of 21 and struggled to make my identity in the family. However, my quest continued, and I started going to Brahmagyan satsangs from the age of 22, where I learned deep wisdom and discovered some truths about life. Along with this, I continued my studies and completed my B.Ed. and got a job as a math teacher in a high school. But I still felt like something was missing until I discovered the book “You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise Hay, which completely transformed my life.

Through Louise’s philosophy, I realized that we can change our lives completely when we truly love ourselves and commit to doing so for a lifetime. This journey led to many transformations at physical level, financial, relationship ,manifestations few of them were -the removal of my spectacles, getting cured of laryngitis, even increasing the size of the polio-affected leg, manifesting a beautiful home, loving relationships, an amazing lifestyle, and a brand new career as a Heal Your Life Coach. My spiritual journey continued, and I discovered my spiritual masters – Shri Ammabhagvan, Shri Krishnaji and Preetaji, Louise Hay, Esther & Jerry Hicks, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Joe Dispenza, Eckhart Tolle, Robert Holden, and many more Indian and western spiritual teachers.

My Mission

To empower and awaken women to their inner light, help them love and accept themselves completely, and connect with their inner or higher power to redesign
their lives. Because when a woman is enlightened, it impacts the entire family, society, community, and country, leading to a positive shift in the collective consciousness of humanity. My vision is to see every woman live a happy, enlightened life. I can’t do this alone, and I invite you to join me on this mission to empower and awaken women to their inner light.

Now, In love with life, I believe that life loves me equally. With an incredible sense of self-belief and passion, I follow my heart in all areas of my life. My personal transformational journey inspired me to transition from a successful teaching career to an international trainer. Having more than a decade of experience in the field of holistic wellness, I bring forth my extensive knowledge and life experiences to empower people in achieving their highest potential in their journey towards personal growth and evolution.

My teaching background of more than two decades in school, coupled with the in-depth training received from various spiritual Masters, helps me bring in professionalism and practicality to the holistic programs (seminars, workshops, and individual sessions) that I offer. I inspire and train in a friendly and loving way, and my seminars and webinars and courses are both energetic and impactful, creating lasting positive transformations in life, health, relationships, and more.

Are you ready to transform your life and help humanity heal?

Join me, Honey H. Vachhani, and become an enlightened woman on
this mission to empower and awaken women to their inner light.

Awards & Achivement
